Trick to Use Any Sim in your Dongle/Modem Without Unlocking

Here is the coolest way to use any sim card in your Blocked Modem. Suppose if you have bought Aircel Modem 1750 and not satisfied with there service but you can't any other Sim Card in there Huwaei 1750E Modem because they blocked the firmware with Particular sim card and if you want to change/Update your Firmware or any kind of Unlocking will effect on your Modem's Warranty.

Well don't wary about your Modem warranty or any Damage because i have tested this methods with couple of modems. its 100% working without updating your firmware or Without loosing your Warranty.
How to Use Any SIM in Blocked Modem Without Unlocking:

1. Download & Install Latest Nokia PC Suit
2. Insert any SIM card in your Modem and Pluin into your PC
3. Modem will show an error- "INVALID SIM CARD"
4. Don't Wary Close your Modem's Software/Client
5. Run Nokia PC Suit
6. Click on Internet Option
7. Select your Modem as Phone Modem
8. Now Connect it will Connected Surely

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